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You're viewing Planet of the Apes (2001) Cheat Codes

Game Name : Planet of the Apes (2001)
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-01-31 16:00:10
Views : 22179

DVD Production Credits
Go to the [Languages] selection on the first disc. Go down all the way and push the [Right] arrow key on your remote to highlight a picture of an ape with a helmet. Click on it and you'll see the DVD credits.

Statue of Thade
In chapter 35, at approximately 1:25 minutes into the chapter when the statue of Thade is presented in full view, hit the play button again, and you will instantaneously be transported to a "making of" scene and decisions being made about the statue.
Note: This is actually a feature when viewed in ENHANCED VIEWING MODE.

Cast Auditions
If you look at some of the [Cast Bios], you will find footage from their audition tapes.

Bonus Ape Commentary
On Disc 1- Select [Special Features], then select [Commentaries], then press the down arrow to highlight the "back" button, then press the "up" arrow to highlight a red monkey that is between the top of the swords. This will play a special "Ape" language commentary of the movie, but it fast forwards to only scenes of the ape in the spacesuit in the beginning of the movie.

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Planet of the Apes (2001) Cheat Codes at Game Score

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